Royal Academy of
Fine Arts Antwerp

Specialist Operations presents its recent works at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp: “How to design spatially, how to deal with reality?” Research is a mission, for architect and urban designer Jan Willem Petersen. Like the mission of a war journalist, who takes huge risks to show what is really going on. A mission that also resembles the commitment of an anthropologist, who wants to be as close as possible to the people he studies, by participatory observation.

Petersen is interested in spatial strategy, especially the mismatch between planned design and the stubbornness of reality. In 2015 he went for several months to Afghanistan. With his missions Petersen attempts to provide insight into hidden aspects of conflict zones, and aims to take lessons for future missions to come.

Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp

March 15, 2016

Keizerstraat 14, Antwerp

18 – 20 hours