Lost & Found

Specialist Operations made a grateful contribution to the session of Lost & Found at the magnificent setting of Theatrum Anatomicum, the Waag in Amsterdam. Since 1997, Lost & Found organised over 90 sessions of stray images and sound. Artists, writers and musicians present work in progress, experiment or present work that doesn’t fit into their oeuvre (yet). A specific and unique stage for diverse and hybrid works which don’t fit comfortably into galleries or museums.

During the by now notorious evenings of Lost & Found we spoke about the progress in our most ambitious project to date; the post-conflict reconstruction in Afghanistan.

A special thanks to Alma Mathijsen, Julia van Mourik, and Carel Alphenaar who curated the evening. For more information and upcoming events please visit http://www.lost.nl

And big thank you to all other speakers, to be seen at http://www.lost.nl/en/events/2013-11-08-theatrum-anatomicum